The Republic of Louisiana

This is an offshoot of my British North America TL. After the collapse of the Rebellion in 1777 most of the signers of the Declaration of Independence and other notable Colonists flee; some like Paine and John Adams to Holland, Jefferson to France, but most cross the Appalachians westward to Spanish Louisiana. Britain is only too happy to get rid of them; it saves her the cost of transportation to Australia. Spain has her concerns, but there's little that could be done to stop the exodus, augmented by an emigration of Quebecois. Jefferson himself decides to emigrate to Louisiana.

Anyway in 1802 the British and the Spanish are embroiled in the Ten Years' War, as enemies. The ex-British colonials and the Cajuns, not to mention a goodly many Spanish, rebel against Madrid and establish the Free Republic of Louisiana, a precarious buffer state that could arise only between two hostile empires. A provisional Assembly is called, and Jefferson is elected to it. Guess what happens next?

Possible Louisiana history: Arcansas Rebellion, The Quarantine Treaty, The Central Park War over the Louisiana Alps, the Peace at International Springs...

Oh, and I hope you like the flag of the Republic of Louisiana (the only ATL national flag with a five-pointed star:)

I'm drafting rough biographies of Jefferson, Mason, Patrick Henry, George Clark, as well as his brother, William. Should be interesting... maybe I should do one on Merriwether Lewis, come to think of it.
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And here's a hint: the Quarantine Treaty has nothing to do with quarantines. What else could it mean? :confused:
I am interested Chrispi, please continue :) Just have not posted untill now because of other concerns. Oh and what does that thing under your name mean?
Michael said:
I am interested Chrispi, please continue :) Just have not posted untill now because of other concerns. Oh and what does that thing under your name mean?
Ecumenarch? It means "Ruler of the World" in Greek. :D
Needless to say, in TTL it is not the names "Lewis and Clark" but "Mackenzie and Mackay" that are on the lips of schoolchildren; having crossed the continent first in 1793.

We'll most likely see the Clark brothers, George and William, explore the Louisiana claim to the Mississippi watershed. George's expedition up the Missouri ends in disaster; he is never heard from again. William's expedition up the Arkansas is more successful; he reaches the river's headwaters high up in the Louisiana Alps--and then gets lost. After wandering for months, and running out of supplies, he finds the Arkansas again and is forced to turn back.
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Here is the flag of the Monday Revolution against Spanish rule, flown in New Orleans on the Ides of March, 1802:

It is interesting to note how obviously Islamic the Revolutionary flag is; but think about it: what would the virulently Catholic Spaniards view treasonous above all else? Consider it the Moors' Revenge:D
The way I've got my AH set up shocks me. It is quite possible for Thomas Jefferson and Napoleon Bonaparte to meet face-to-face, in Louisiana no less! :cool:
More questions:

Who are going to prominent at the Place d'Armes during la Révolution de Lundi?

What sort of constitution (Charte Organique) emerges in the Cabildo (Hôtel du Parlement)? Perhaps it will resemble OTL French more than the American. Who will reside in the Presbytère (Curie) and lead the country as President? Will the old French elite rule (the Ibervilles and Bienvilles)? Would Jefferson become President of Louisiana? Or, horror of horrors, could we have a President Joseph Buonaparte, installed by his brother, Napoleone?