What if JFK was not assassinated?


Gone Fishin'
We’ve all seen what Arthur Schlesinger has said; in a nutshell, at home, peaceful implementation of civil rights laws prevent the urban race riots of 65 to 68, and abroad, JFK’s deft diplomacy and attentive management of foreign affairs would have prevented the Sino-Soviet nuclear war of the winter of 65 -66 that set back China a century, Russia and the surrounding Asian countries a decade, and now we think, raised cancer rates globally.

While Schlesinger derides LBJ as a closet isolationist and uninspiring heir to Kennedy he does concede he was better than Goldwater, who most likely would have jumped right into the Sino-Soviet nuclear fray out of anticommunist zealotry and a desire for marginal geopolitical gains in places like the Caribbean and Southeast Asia.

Schlesinger and his acolytes obviously are to some extent indulging in wish fulfillment fantasy, but critics who claim a total continuity between JFK and LBJ’s policies are missing the mark also.

Documentary and other primary evidence does demonstrate that JFK was more attentive than Johnson to a variety of situations in the developing world. JFK paid more attention, for instance, to South Asia, and especially India, when compared to either Eisenhower before or LBJ after. He probably would have had the influence to tamp down on the Indo-Pakistani war of August 1965 before it broadened in a little over a week into all-out Chinese-Soviet warfare.

Schlesinger is probably correct also that given JFK’s firsthand experience with nuclear brinkmanship during the Cuban missile crisis, Kennedy could have more effectively reassured Premier Khrushchev and given the Soviet leader a chance to pause before launching the pre-emptive strike on China. We know now for instance, that JFK deftly turned aside suggestions from Khrushchev in 1963 for a joint US-Soviet strike against the developing Chinese atom bomb program. In retrospect for instance, it appears that US intelligence at the time had indications that Chinese military demonstrations near the disputed territory in northeast India, and the line-of-control in Kashmir, were not supported by logistics needed for a serious attempt to grab new territory or engage a high proportion of Indian forces.

Still, one cannot say Kennedy’s involvement would have made avoiding the Sino-Soviet war a sure thing. After all, the Soviets may not have been willing to tolerate the development of a substantial Chinese nuclear delivery capability in any event, regardless of alliance politics in South Asia. The Chinese atomic program was making Khrushchev positively apoplectic, and it should not be forgotten that even for an atheist faith like communism, the heretic is twice as bad as the infidel.

There is also reason to think, even if the Sino-Soviet war were averted, that JFK’s immersion in the issues of the developing world would not have been entirely a good thing. Kennedy for instance ordered ongoing attempts to destabilize Castro and escalated US involvement in Vietnam. It’s certainly fashionable to regard the Johnson-Castro modus vivendi as inevitable, given Cuba’s natural economic needs and proximity to the United States, but Castro was prone to emotionalism and might have chosen to remain defiant in reaction to JFK’s destabilization program. This is doubly so if the Sino-Soviet war had been averted. As we know, Castro was critical of the communist bloc fratricide that war represented, and the Soviets were generally pulling in their horns from an unappreciative third world after the bombing of China. In Vietnam, JFK was eager to defeat Khrushchev’s declared, “Wars of National Liberationâ€, and this situation was a second bloody Korean stalemate waiting to happen. While LBJ was relatively content with the Diem regime , and Johnson did not seek his own “Eisenhower Doctrine†resolution on Southeast Asia until May 1965 , Kennedy was actively intriguing with younger officers who wanted to overthrow Diem to pursue the war against the Viet Cong more energetically with US support. There’s a significant chance the US would have been involved in tropical version of Korea by the end of ’64 if JFK had not been assassinated.


JFK is not assassinated. Consequences?

He defeats Goldwater in 64 but by a smaller margin - lets give Barry Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, Arkansas, Virginia, Nebreska, Kansas, and Texas as the least absurd additions to a suicidal cantidacy. However without the dead St John to make the national landslide the massive Dem majorities of 65-67 never happen. So no Great Society - Civil Rights bills weaker and slower - a leveling off of support for the RVN at the 50-70,000 American level - enough to prevent a defeat through airpower and logistics but no attempt to win the war.

Internally, a smaller and more extremist peace movement in the 60's and a much larger more insurrectionary black liberation struggle.


To simplify a complicated ATL, the much longer, much more severe line of race riots makes current Guilanni's NYC the norm with many cities far worse. The underground insurrectionary level is permanently set at early 70's.
Full black civil rights came in bits and pieces into the 80's. The South is just finishing the 70's level of massive legal resistance. Our internal political history is even more race dominated, our politics even more racially polarized. Basically I feel that the single best thing JFK did for America was to die. His death, coupled with LBJ's political skill and Goldwater's suicidal old Right cantidacy produced in Congress enough Congress criters like my then Congressman Herbert Tenzer from Long Island. Herbert was a party hack running in what was normally a safe Republican district. In '64 Goldwater lost NYS by so much than Herbert and a group of other Dem lib stalwarts were swept in. They had no reelection worries - there was 0% chance that they'd win in '66 - so they voted their lib-left hearts on everything and tried to line up postdefeat federal appointments for their future which made them superpursuadable by LBJ. Made for a period of rapid motion in what has basically been a long congressional deadlock since 1938. To see how things could have turned out differently see 1974 (another unanticipated Demo landslide) where a yuounger generation of left lib types did the exact opposite. Hunkered down, did massivge constituent work, never vpted against district inclination on anything big. Took the GOP till 1994 to pry the last major block of them out. Were a major source of incremental leftward drift that so puzzled the voters as each district's voters knew that their guy really wasn't like that ( and he never was on anything the local news shows would remember or report) so it must be some dark conspiracy plus ongoing degeneracy by the rest of the country.
JFK survives Dallas?

He would have never lived to be re-elected anyway; his Addison's disease would have killed him by mid-1964.

If I were a conspiracy theorist, I would offer that JFK himself arranged his own assassination, to avoid the embarassment of dying of a weakling's disease.


raharris1973 said:
JFK’s deft diplomacy and attentive management of foreign affairs would have prevented the Sino-Soviet nuclear war of the winter of 65 -66 that set back China a century, Russia and the surrounding Asian countries a decade, and now we think, raised cancer rates globally.

Please elaborate. Did the nuclear war take place in your ATL, or only in your ATL's ATL? It's a pretty big POD as they go.


Gone Fishin'
The nuclear war is in my ATL

and they are speculating on whether or not it would have been averted if Kennedy lived.

However, the nuclear war is not itself the earliest divergence. It's the result of butterflies (but I have a four-step chain of events in my head, so they are not random butterflies). I have a clue as to what the earliest historical change in this TL is, towards the end. See if you can guess it.

My final hint is that the PoD takes place actually a short time before Kennedy's assassination.

If you guess the PoD you get the prize. Bonus points if you can figure out how the PoD links to the nuclear war.

Grey Wolf

Ooo this is a double blind...


Bugger, what do I know about 1963 apart from JFK being assassinated ? Um, nothing except some stuff on what Oswald was up to

I know a bit more about 62 - the Cuban Missile Crisis, Marilyn Monroe

Guess I'm not much use in this thread

Grey Wolf
Washingtonian magazine had an article in Nov 1981 on WI JFK lived. Will rpeort on it as I hav it. Geore \burnau had a WI novel in which JFK lives. He resigns and lets LBJ take over and runs agAIN! DONT REMEMBER REST.
The 'Red Dwarf' solution

For those of you who don't know, Red Dwarf is a very funny UK SciFi Comedy....

For various reasons based around the need to have a curry, the cast go back in time and prevent the assassination (by ending up on the same floor as Oswald and-accidently-pushing him out the window without realising it), JFK survives but ends up being impeached (can't quite remember why) and Hoover ends up as president and under the mafia thumb. A crisis with the USSR develops and everyone flees the US cities in fear of a nuclear war.

The plot then goes a bit ASB, the cast then talk to the alive and disgraced JFK, explain what 'really' happened and how in their world he was assassinated but is a hero. This JFK then agrees to their plan which is...

...he goes back in time with them to the assassination, they managed to not push Oswald out the window and JFK becomes the 2nd gunman and assassinates himself whilst dressed as a policeman and shooting from the grassy knoll...

OK, not really an ATL and more an ASB answer but it was funny :) and possibly the best explanation I've ever heard for the 2nd gunman :D
OK:JFK lives and runs and wins against Goldwater in 64. After leaving office divorces Jackie and buys a DC paper-The Star-in this ATL. He and his brothers meet Ronald Reagan at his ranch. Last scene has JFK and his brothers including TED-the Presidential nominee at the 80 convention. It's all personal family stuff. Let you know more later.
Jason said:
For those of you who don't know, Red Dwarf is a very funny UK SciFi Comedy....

For various reasons based around the need to have a curry, the cast go back in time and prevent the assassination (by ending up on the same floor as Oswald and-accidently-pushing him out the window without realising it), JFK survives but ends up being impeached (can't quite remember why) and Hoover ends up as president and under the mafia thumb. A crisis with the USSR develops and everyone flees the US cities in fear of a nuclear war.

The plot then goes a bit ASB, the cast then talk to the alive and disgraced JFK, explain what 'really' happened and how in their world he was assassinated but is a hero. This JFK then agrees to their plan which is...

...he goes back in time with them to the assassination, they managed to not push Oswald out the window and JFK becomes the 2nd gunman and assassinates himself whilst dressed as a policeman and shooting from the grassy knoll...

OK, not really an ATL and more an ASB answer but it was funny :) and possibly the best explanation I've ever heard for the 2nd gunman :D

OMG! I love that episode! I thought that was one of their better ones of that particular season. When I first saw the episode I couldn't stop laughing--and then, on reflection, realized that it was probably the best conspiracy theory explanation I've heard.

IIRC--in the ATL, Kennedy gets impeached because of the various sex scandals come out (especially the one with him boffing some mafia don mistress)
The POD is the failure of the coup against Diem in early November 1963. Do I get my no-prize?

I notice Khrushchev is still in power in 1965. I'm not sure how you get there from the POD.


Gone Fishin'
Armidon gets the no-prize for getting the PoD

But Hendryk, or anyone else can seek second prize by relating the PoD to the altered geopolitics that show up with the Sino-Soviet war. I've got a rationale for the Khrushchev thing, and his survival is a marginal influence nudging the ATL forward, but its not central.


chrispi said:
He would have never lived to be re-elected anyway; his Addison's disease would have killed him by mid-1964.

If I were a conspiracy theorist, I would offer that JFK himself arranged his own assassination, to avoid the embarassment of dying of a weakling's disease.

This is off. The history channel special of JFK reveals at the time of his assassination he was healthier than he had been for years. They changed his doctors who played with his medication to get that effect. The only thing that would have killed him in 1964 would have been his cholestreal which was off the charts.

However lets look at the medications they gave him making him feel more energetic and healthy than he had for years. The real question is how long would they have lasted before the disease had a relapse? Lets be moderate and say the change of medication lasts four years. By 1967 he would have become a zombie, maybe barely aware of what is going on. His personal appearence become fewer, and only on his good days. Bobby and Jackie take more of the burden (not too unlike Elanor with FDR). After JFK leaves office in January 1969 he "retires" to a New England manor where in 1971 he dies of heart failure (later conspiracy theorist will have a field day with this) while working on his memoirs.

Grey Wolf

Lonnie, that seems far more realistic than the other

I still don't know for sure that I accept it, but it seems far more likely

Would Bobbie have tried to step into his shoes ? By 1967 if he had been AG for all that time he would be a seasoned and well known politician, and if he put hiumself forward then he would be a natural for the selection in 68

Grey Wolf


Gone Fishin'
Alrighty, I'll outline the course of events

The PoD is that the conspiracy to overthrow Diem fails before it gets very far off the ground,as Armidon pointed out.

President Kennedy dies as per OTL.

Lyndon Johnson, who was in the administration faction that opposed overthrowing Diem, puts the kibosh on US support for plotters, and actvely discourages a change at the top. Some of the more potent dissident South Vietnamese officers are tracked down by Ngo Dinh Nhu's securitry services, others go for asylum in France, a few defect to the north, a couple move to the states, and the majority bite their lip and put seditious plans on the shelf.

Diem's problems with students and Buddhists and other politicians continue through 1963, 1964 and 1965. The Viet Cong steadily expands its military and political strength in the countryside. However, a side effect of Diem's preservation is that Hanoi decides to continue the path of using small-scale guerrilla warfare, combined with political intrigue, to support an eventual VC takeover. They hope to expand their influence in the urban factions and to someday stage a coup where some ARVN officers defect during an uprising. They do not make the decision they made in OTL late 1963 that they should militarize the conflict more and send in more cadre and units from the north. (OTL's decision was based on the sense that with Diem overthrown, the VC lost one of their principle political issues, so Hanopi needed to substitute some military power to hedge against the potential increase in the legitimacy of the Saigon regime) Also, while they aren't especially effective, South Vietnamese generals aren't all positioning themselves for the next coup in Saigon, and aren't distracted in thinking they might become the top leader. South Vietnamese secret police retain a presence in much of the country where they lost it in OTL because of the coup and execution of their leader, Ngo.

The geopolitical upshot of this is that the pace of military events in Vietnam is slowed. The VC are not gathering in a large units as historically in 1964 and 1965 and are not being as aggrressive against Saigon's main forces. This reacts upon US strategy. The US is still supporting commando raids against the north, as it has been for a couple years, but it is not at the pace of OTL, because much of the increased pace in OTL was intended to buck up morale in chaotic post-Diem Saigon. Diem in the ATL isn't pushing hard to really expand the raids. He and his brother, while seeking ever greater US materiel support are not in too much of a hurry to beg for US combat troops, out of a mixture of pride and paranoia. The reduced scale of raids on the north keeps US destroyers from getting attacked and prevents adoption of the Tonkin Gulf resolution (which the Johnson administration is not yet interested in) attempting)

At the rate things are going, Saigon will probably not end up requesting direct US troop support and bombings of the north until 1966, possibly very late in the year.

Meanwhile, other things are happening in the world.

I'll stop for now. Can anybody figure out the rest?