Henry V doesnt die of dysentry

Grey Wolf

So ?

History tells us that Henry V achieved his achievements by his force of will and personality

If he had lived, what then for the Anglo-French union and for a future ATL Henry VI ?

Grey Wolf
Faeelin said:
I don't know. Bedford was certianly a competent regent in France, and he failed.

Even the most competent regent is in a massively weaker position than any competent King. At the very least Henry V wouldn't have had the problem of (essentially) different groups being in power in Paris and London, and he'll be crowned King of France as soon as Charles VI dies.


Matthew Craw said:
Even the most competent regent is in a massively weaker position than any competent King. At the very least Henry V wouldn't have had the problem of (essentially) different groups being in power in Paris and London, and he'll be crowned King of France as soon as Charles VI dies.

Meh. Remember why Henry VI wasn't crowned there. it was considered dangerous. I'm also dubious that just because he's crowned in bourges, it will really matter. There are plenty of examples where such people are viewed as pretenders.

Besides, England is dependent upon burgundy, who will raw the war out as long as they can. If englan looks like it's making an end run on southern france, well, the dukes of burgundy suddenly march on Paris.