Black Communist Party of the USA

Quite a few influential African Americans leaned towards communism, especially during the 1930s and 1960s-70s; this is most popularized by groups such as the Black Panthers, who had strong Marxist rhetoric and believed in "the Revolution."

The reasons are clear, of course; the United States, while preaching democracy, kept many blacks in pseudo-serfdom, and the basic rights that had been enjoyed by whites since the founding of the Republic were still denied to blacks. The USSR, however, with its idealogy of class struggle, proved to be greener pasture; indeed, visiting blacks were shocked at the equal treatment they received from Soviet people (not the purges, mind you, but the way it was all supposed to be).

With the passing of the Civil Rights Amendments, however, the steam behind much of the communist forces died down; with living standards increasing (this was before crack) and equality achieved (at least nominally), there was no need for "the Revolution" any longer.

What if, however, the movement picked up the steam of the 60s-70s in, say, the 1930s, during the Great Depression?

In the 1930s, Paul Robeson, a brilliant black lawyer turned actor turned singer (he left law when a New York stenographer refused to take a memo for him, saying that he did not take dictation from a nigger), travelled the Soviet Union during a "tour" of European nations. His father had been a slave, and he had already received a taste of good ole' US racism, and thus was amazed at the treatment he received in the USSR. For the rest of his life he championed the communist cause, was blacklisted after World War II, had his passport seized by the US government, and had his autobiography boycotted (most literary journals refused to even review it). He died broke and penniless after twice trying to kill himself.

It is also important to note that Robeson had an incredible voice. A really incredible voice. His translation of the USSR anthem is incredibly moving and simply powerful, mostly due to the baritone-rich voice (though I can't help but snicker at the line "And Stalin our leader / with faith in the people / inspired us to build up / the land that we love"... yeah, he "inspired" them).

Is there any way to have the intelligent Robeson decide to do more than just sing and perform mild activism? With Soviet help, it would be interesting to see a black communist movement, perhaps with the Communist Party of America being "taken over" by blacks? Note, this is a time before ANY reforms, and when there are still many blacks who are the direct offspring of former slaves who have all been robbed of their "forty acres and a mule," and are the worst hit, by far, by the Great Depression.
Oliver Law survives ?

Hey rafi, I posted on the old board about Oliver Law, a black American Communist from Chicago who fought in the Spanish CW, and commanded the Abraham Lincoln Bn (the 1st African-American to ever hold such a high rank in any army), but was KIA at Brunete in 1937. Now, WI Oliver Law, who was also a WWI vet who'd served in the 92nd Div as a machinegunner, had survived, and gone onto more prominent activism thruout the WWII yrs ? Could his presence have facilitated a greater black presence within the American Communist Party ?

Then again, the negative side of a largely black-dominated Communist party would be that, similar to the Congaree Socialist Republic in Turtledove's books, all blacks get tarred as 'red niggers', don't they ?
---Is there any way to have the intelligent Robeson decide to do more than just sing and perform mild activism? With Soviet help, it would be interesting to see a black communist movement, perhaps with the Communist Party of America being "taken over" by blacks? Note, this is a time before ANY reforms, and when there are still many blacks who are the direct offspring of former slaves who have all been robbed of their "forty acres and a mule," and are the worst hit, by far, by the Great Depression.----

I have often wondered about this myself . A potential black communist movement if it had occurred would have no doubt been bloodily suppressed . There were of course several conditions OTL that prevented it from happening- no real solidarity between poor blacks and poor whites due to endemic white racism, the overwhealming number of blacks that were Christian and thus put off by "godless Communism "and of course there was the real desire of the vast majority of African-Americans to really become a part of the American mainstream despite most white Americans fierce resistance to the very notion.Its also important to remember that Communism played a real role for the good of African -Americans in the Civil Rights movement as the hypocrisy of the United States' constant condemnation of Soviet abuses while holding 10 percent of its own population in chains was one of the main reasons that Civil Rights reforms were carried out-if there was a dominate Nazi Germany in Europe it would most likely have been a very different story.
McCarthy and Hoover

If Communism becomes more popular among American blacks, McCarthyism would probably become even more virulent, because of the race angle. Also, Hoover sicced his FBI on MLK et al. because of supposed Communist ties. If the black population had a higher correlation with Communism, Hoover's harassement would intensify, even though MLK wasn't a Communist.
@Michael - Err. Well. I don't think the Nazi situation would be much different. By Nazi standards a majority of Americans were untermenschen or had polluted blood. The only thing Hitler hated more than the "lesser races" was the mixing of races (and here I'm referring to Slavs and Jews, of course).

A half-dozen of Hitler's more enthusiastic speeches would be plenty to make Americans turn against Germany.
Here's a thought. Nazism was more efficient economically than Communism; therefore, a Cold War with Nazi Germany would mean facing a more dangerous opponent. Plus, if Hitler rules mainland Western Europe (worse if he rules Britain), he's a lot closer.

Opposing such an enemy would require much more from the US population and someone might see that the oppression of blacks prevents them from contributing more to the US. Civil rights so that blacks can contribute more to the struggle against Nazism?

Also, the US might hear of the oppression of the Slavic peoples under a victorious Nazi regime and see eerie parallels in its own treatment of blacks. Fear of hypocrisy isn't necessary in TTL.