Composite TL II Poll

What year should we start in?

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This is just to see what year people want to start the composite TL in.

The choices are the start of every century, from AD 500 to AD 800.

I'll put maps for each time period here, just for reference.
Faeelin said:
I assume you mean around that year? I propose 673, or perhaps 500 AD if we don't go with 673.
Well, it doesn't have to be exactly the year, but it'll be easier to just pick one number.
Here's AD 500

I think a POD early enough to affect the spread of Islam throughout North Africa would be good. I think the POD would be in the early 600s.
Just so you guys know, I'll be leaving for the weekend, which'll put a cramp in any computer activities. Whatever year is in the lead on, say, sunday at midnight is what we'll go with.


Given that my year lost, I'd like england; that frees up scandinavia for some one else; walter wanted it, I think.


So I guess I can still have the Kingdom of Italy? Or if someone else wants it, I'll grab the Magyars and Khazars...


*cough* I already claimed Bulgars and maygars (nominalyl also avars, but I let Justin have them). Ill vote 700.. btw the map of 600 shows 700 ;)


Susano said:
*cough* I already claimed Bulgars and maygars (nominalyl also avars, but I let Justin have them). Ill vote 700.. btw the map of 600 shows 700 ;)

Sorry, Pascal! I missed that. *slaps forehead* :eek:
OK, kgdm of Italy/Lombards for me!


Okay if w e take 500 I REALLY need another civilisation, as Bulgars and Maygers are BOTH far off by then still.
I think Id take the vandals then.
here's the map for 600.

maybe we should not claim anything 'til we figure out the date?

if not i already have dibs on vasconia and/or aquataine.


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