ACW- key commanders stay loyal to their places of birth

I was just wondering how the CW would've been affected had certain key individuals on both sides, in positions of command, decided to stay loyal to their places of birth and their corresponding political allegiances (a la Robert E. Lee, JEB Stuart and Thomas J. Jackson with Virginia, and Nathan Bedford Forrest with Tennessee), instead of deciding to make up their minds for which side to fight based on other loyalites. Like David Glasgow Farragut, Winfield Scott and George Thomas, all of whom were actually native-born Southerners, but committed for the North, and Pennsylvanian George C. Pemberton for the South due to his marriage to a Southern woman IIRC and his hatred of blacks and abolitionists. WI these generals had decided to stay loyal to their respective states of birth ? There'd be for starters no "Damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead !" at Mobile Bay, no 'Anaconda Plan' 3-pronged strategy to beat the South, and no 'Rock of Chickamauga', and the siege of Vicksburg may've gone differently with somebody on the CS side other than Pemberton in command. Can anybody think of any other significant effects in this regards ?


I think William T. Sherman was from the South too and that the reason he was soo tough was that he considered them all traitors and took it personel.
Correct! Sherman simply ran a military academy in Louisiana.

And the Kentucky-Lincoln point is interesting. Lincoln was still in diapers when his family moved to Indiana. Would it be reasonable to count Kentucky as the home state, or should we exclude birth states if they were not lived in for long?


Stonewall Jackson serves the north, the western counties of Virginia (where he was born) formed a loyalist government in 1861 and became the state of West Virginia in 1863. So Jackson is a northerner.
General John Gibbob was born in North Carolina so instead of fighting for the North he fights for the South, or Josiah Gorgas became United States Chief of Ordanance