no agriculture

No agriculture
What would the world be like if agriculture was never developed? Humanity remains Hunters and gathers.


Laptops are developed before desktops. GPS is used to pinpoint the mastodon herds and we hunt them with Lightspears.

Sorry, couldn't resist :rolleyes:

This is REALLY hard to say. There is more than a little evidence that HG in a rich environment can provide a very comfortable lifestyle as long as the population is not too large. There's also evidence that trade and urbanization can generate surpluses without agriculture. Could it ever provide the large surpluses that enable us to support the people who advance civilization over a large area and time?

I don't believe it could, can anybody support an opposite opinion?
It looks bad for humanity if they don't get agriculture. I think there would be sharp up and down swings in population. As humans get more organized and divide up labor, they will likely find more and better ways to kill more and more game animals. They will have to migrate a lot as they deplete the game in an area, which will bring them into conflict with other tribes. When all of humanity gets too large a population across the world, game animals will plummet in numbers and humans will also be reduced (infanticide?). When the game recovers, so will humans...
Don't forget about fishing, folks! Fishing (and, I guess, herd management of the kind reindeer nomads peractice) would be ways for human civilisation to base itself more broadly and on a more stable platform than pure hunter-gathering. I don't think we'd see an industrial age (factories are kinda hard to transport), but there's no real reason why a fishing community should not develop high seas navigation, metalworking, or stone masonry, for example. Of course the population density would be much lower, and some way or another it would have to be kept down (periodic famines, diseases, or war? Or do the fishing communities just not breed that quickly? How did the Northwest Native Americans manage that?).

Culture would be radically different, and probably look very weird to us.