American Reich or A Bund/KKK alliance

Under what circumstances could the German-American Bund have attracted a larger memebership in the 1930's-1940's? In this Atl the Bund grows large enough that it forms an unholy alliance of sorts with the KKK.The OTL fear of a 5th column in the United States actually happens in the 1940's as they unleash what would be called domestice terrorism today including attacks on blacks and Jews all in the idea of service to Hitler.Are any Italian or Japansese groups involved? Any and all ideas appreciated.
Michael E Johnson said:
Under what circumstances could the German-American Bund have attracted a larger memebership in the 1930's-1940's? In this Atl the Bund grows large enough that it forms an unholy alliance of sorts with the KKK.The OTL fear of a 5th column in the United States actually happens in the 1940's as they unleash what would be called domestice terrorism today including attacks on blacks and Jews all in the idea of service to Hitler.Are any Italian or Japansese groups involved? Any and all ideas appreciated.

Well if you could get some semi-Fascest Italian immigrant group to start attracting recruits through Fascests slogans and plans it could go real far.
A worse great depression could do it. Worse economic conditions drive people to fringe political parties. Perhaps Father Coughlin of radio evanglism makes overtures to radical groups like the KKK in an effort to consolidate power, and Hitler attacks later, allowing the Bund and KKK to consolidate their gains before the outbreak of war.

In any of these cases, you've got to get more really crazy and criminal elements under the Bundist flag before the outbreak of war, because once the fighting begins, everyone else will burn their membership cards.
The Klan were bigots, but they were bigots who wrapped themselves in the Flag. Nazi Germany was a foreign power, and the Bund were immigrants. I doubt much love the Klan would have for it. That takes till Neo-Nazism, when that form of radical hate trascends Germany.

mr noob

that could happened
and yes maybe the Italains could have helped but not really the jap's
first of all most of them were imprisoned but that would have only helped there cause
secondly Hitler and most Nazis thought the Jap's were not as bad but close to the Jews but needed them for means to a end and that's all