a pair of FDR AHs


Imagine an ATL in which FDR did not die when he did , but was instead elected for two further terms (i'm Assuming no Churchill style defeats here . A big leap of faith , but one I think with better than 50/50 odds !). What would the Results have been ? A couple of intersting senarios I came up with are ;

Driven by there personal emnity DeGaulle refuses to join in the post- war anti-communist military alliance with Britain and the US ect . In retaliation FDR drastically curtails US reconstruction aid to France . Enraged , DeGaulle orders all US troops off of French and French controlled soil , and concludes a deal with Stalin to Join the Soviet Block in exchange for massive financial aid . ( Not so OTT , in recently released surveillance tape transcripts of DeGaulle , he actually talks about Stalin as being someone he could "Do business with" and who was in many ways "prefferable" to FDR)

Chiang Kai-Shek recieves far more backing from the US Government than
in OTL . China is one of FDR's pet projects and both economically and militarily he doesn't want it going communist as he believes this will change the balance of power . US forces go into China first as advisors , then to fly support missions and then ultimately to fight directly against Mao's communists , who are now being trained and supported by equivalent red army forces . After several years of esculating conflict and heavy losses , the US military decides that the only way to turn the tide is to reactivate the remainants of the Japanese armed forces and start building them up once again under US control .

Comments ?

(To view the opposite direction...)

On Feb 15 1933, Guiseppe Zangara attempted to assassinate the president-elect Roosevelt. The soon to be pres. had given a quick speech to the crowd and was being asked by the news media to give it again so they could get a shot. He declined. But lets say he didn't. Had Roosevelt resaid the speech he would have been an open target for Zangara, who in real life missed Roosevelt and hit five civilians.

With FDR dieng in 1933, John Nance Garner takes the presidency as his Vice.

What then?
First borders on ASB. A third term was freaky and only happened because of the emergency situation. People really respected Washington's refusal to run a third time. Granting this, your scenario sounds all right.
The second is not pretty. It is GURPS Reich-5 in Alternate Earths 1. Basically, Garner botches up pulling us out of the Depression, which gets even worse. The country dissolves into near revolution, with a far right party finally taking the reins, which allies with Nazi Germany and Japan to impose a thousand year Judebfrei Reich on the planet and space.