New Amsterdam remains Dutch post-1660

Can anybody project an ATL of how New Amsterdam would've developed after 1660 had the colony remained Dutch instead of Stuyvesant surrendering to the English in 1664 and becoming NY ? Anybody read any interesting material on this particular point ?
Depends. The Dutch were pretty much a spent force in global military terms by then, so I don't see it as having any great future ias an expansive power in the Americas. If we assume that this is the only point of difference, the Dutch will not be allied with the French again until the late 1770s, so there is no linkup between Quebec and the Hudson River to worry about for the British colonies. The wars with the French would go differently, of course, especially if the belligerent parties had to take account of neutrals. Nonetheless, I don't think it would have changed too much. Boston and/or Baltimore could have made first rate British naval bases just as well. Plus, if the New Amsterdamers have an ounce of sense they will trade freely with the British (and perhaps the French),thus not even changing trade patterns all that much.

Maybe this turns out like Tranquebar? A small enclave on the coast of a large colony belonging to someone else, and largely retaining its independence because a) the owners do not want to admit it's pointless and b) the big colony's rulers do not care enough? There could be large amounts of money in New York, especially once the Great Lakes and beyond are settled by whites - it is a great port. I'm sure some arrangement could be found. But It would cost whoever wanted it a fortune...
Thirty Years War is the Key

We had something similar to this TL on the old board (I think it is a great POD because it really could have happened).

To me the best way to ensure a permanent Dutch presence in New Amsterdam is to get the population up. Maybe have the colony be built up by refugees from the Thirty Years War, for example if the Citizens of Magdeburg are given a choice to leave the city before it is sacked. The dialects aren't that much different so that they could eventually blend.

Then have England get more involved in the War, going head to head with Spain so that it gets a bigger place at the table. Then in the resulting peace, England is given Cuba, while the sovereignty of the Netherlands over New Amsterdam is guaranteed.