AH Challenge: what does this flag represent?

The United Nations emblem etched onto a bronze plaque. Perhaps secured to a bulkhead or side of an early space exploration vehicle.
Easy. It's a low-visibility shoulder flash from UNSTAFOR- the UN standing peacekeeping force. Judging from the black/tan scheme, I'd say it was from the rawanda operation.
Its the flag of the Scandian Artic Empire :D Following the establishment of Vinland in 950, King Horalds defeat of the English in 1066, followed by the defeat of the Normans under William, and the Intergration of the Rus into the Norse empire in 1122, there wasn't any one able to stop them. in 1450 the waves meet in Siberia when east exploring Rus meet westward travling Vinlanders. :cool:


Now that I think about it, that's soo roman. I can see it emblazoned on the roman tanks that roll through bejing.
Faeelin said:
Now that I think about it, that's soo roman. I can see it emblazoned on the roman tanks that roll through bejing.

God. That's really true. It'd need a biit more red in there to really fit the bill, but still.....why didn't I see that?