Belgian Congo doesn't explode 1960/61

What POD/s would be required so that the ex-Belgian Congo, granted independence in a very unplanned fashion by the former colonial power in 1960/61, didn't explode in tribal and sectarian conflict as occurred OTL ? How would foreign military intervention, thru the UN and foreign mercenaries, have been rendered unncessary ?
Perhaps Katanga's secession is recognized by the world (the tribes of the Congo have few cultural ties--"Congo" is an artifice). The UN intervention would be limited to defeating the Simbas, an apocalyptic, movement that involved wearing lion skins and eating white people, since they threatened the white administrators and soldiers who stayed on in the Congo's post-colonial government and foreigners in the area.

Or perhaps the Congolese army doesn't mutiny against white officers...that was one big cause of the mayhem. Mobutu's rise to power began here...he promoted every black officer one or two ranks higher and made every private who could read a sergeant. This "reform" (it certainly solved the white-officer problem, but how competent was the resulting army?) got him a lot of attention and credit from folks.