Noth vs South in a larger USA

POD: sometime after the War of 1812 starts.

The British are at war with the USA and with Napoleon’s France. The USA is seen as a minor problem, while France is the big threat. Events prove Britain right, as they suffer some serious defeats in Europe. At the same time, a more determined American effort seized a good portion of Canada.
Britain needs peace in North America, but the US won’t settle for status quo ante bellum. Eventually, the treaty of Ghent gives the USA most of Canada in exchange for both cash payment and America’s joining the war against Napoleon.
Assuming that Napoleon is defeated, and the US becomes somewhat isolationist again, what is holding most of Canada going to do the next half century’s North-South dynamics?
Will there even be a Civil War?
NHBL said:
POD: sometime after the War of 1812 starts.

Assuming that Napoleon is defeated, and the US becomes somewhat isolationist again, what is holding most of Canada going to do the next half century’s North-South dynamics?
Will there even be a Civil War?

Probably even sooner than OTL, depending how many states annexed Canada is split into. These will not be slave states, and the political balance of power in Senate and Congress will turn against southerners sooner. The "slave power" of OTL will be weakened, and fearing possible northern efforts to force anti-slavery legislation through (or simply prevent pro-slavery legislation), the slave states will probably try to skedaddle earlier.
well here's one thing, where will the final stop of the underground railroad be if not canada? the wondeful thing for americans of an independent canada is that its a place to go for those looking for freedom from american "freedom" (slaves, draft dodgers).