Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread III

Aah, so Bruce Dickinson makes his appearance. A little bit more successful with his fencing ITTL. Does Iron Maiden form ITTL, and do they still do interesting historical lyrics?
Edit. Also does Bruce become a commercial pilot as well? He seems interested in flying.
Steve Harris was depicted doing the job he did before forming Iron Maiden in OTL, driving a Johnston Streetsweeper in London and he had Dave Murray as a passenger. I haven't made up my mind as to what is going to happen next there. As for Bruce Dickinson, he has appeared a few different times now, crossing paths with Niko at various Equestrian and Fencing competitions. There was also the capacity in which he joined Niko and James "Slick" Acree during the European Defense Pact exercises which suggests that him fronting a rock band is unlikely in TTL.
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Nico and Bruce could work on making a new Modern Modern Pentathlon. Running, Swimming, and Shooting (service rifle instead of Pistol) would be included, maybe a Bicycle completion and a Canoe/Kayak added instead of the fencing and horsemanship.
One thing about the DSO instead of the Victoria Cross in WW1 is the fact that unless they could corroborate everything for a VC or the investigating authority decide that they didn't "do enough to get a VC" then they went with a DSO.

Addendum to this. Because Sir Malcolm is Canadian they might not have treated him the same if he was in the British army.
They were the same during WW2. When New Zealander Charles Upham was put forward for his second VC, his commanding officer was asked if he truly thought Upham had done enough to earn a Bar to his VC. His CO responded that, in his honest opinion, Charles Upham had done enough to earn the Victoria Cross several times over. Upham received the Bar to his VC making him the 3rd man, and the only combat soldier, to earn the Victoria Cross twice.
Steve Harris was depicted doing the job he did before forming Iron Maiden in OTL, naming driving a Johnston Streetsweeper in London and he had Dave Murray as a passenger. I haven't made up my mind as to what is going to happen next there. As for Bruce Dickinson, he has appeared a few different times now, crossing paths with Niko at various Equestrian and Fencing competitions. There was also the capacity in which he joined Niko and James "Slick" Acree during the European Defense Pact exercises which suggests that him fronting a rock band is unlikely in TTL.
Sounds like Bruce managed to avoid getting expelled from Oundle this time then?