Alternate History: Explain the historical event

(Speaking of Shitposts, one of my favourite things in Hoi4:MD is doing the Norway-Japan Marriage so lets do that)
The Royal Wedding of Norway and Japan?!?

When in 1982, the IWC ( International Whaling Commission) adopted a ban on commercial whaling, to start in 1986. Severals countries, including the USSR, Norway, Japan and Arendelle filed objections so the moratorium would not apply to them.

In 1983, the joint visit in Tokyo in the Imperial Palace of the King of Norway and the King of Arendelle with their families provoked a huge interest for the visiting families in the Japanese press. It was rumored that a romantical fling happened between the Prince Fumihito and the Princess Elsa of Arendelle, because the young Princess and her sister stay longer in Japan that their parents, and the Prince was often their host during their travels.

But when visiting a remote Shinto Temple in the mountains, an old priest scream at the Princess Elsa calling her an Yuki-no-Onna, all ties were broke.

The American Press reported wrongly the ties between Prince Fumihito and Princess Elsa as the question "The Royal Wedding of Norway and Japan ?!?", because nobody can found on a good map, the small Kingdom of Arendelle, even if it was 32 00 square miles big as South Carolina, north of Norway, Sweden, Finland and the USSR.

the politics of the Concorde et Réconciliation Nationale started by the Imperial Minister Lucien de Chaumont the 2nd December 1817, the 23rd Day of the Emperor
When in 1982, the IWC ( International Whaling Commission) adopted a ban on commercial whaling, to start in 1986. Severals countries, including the USSR, Norway, Japan and Arendelle filed objections so the moratorium would not apply to them.

In 1983, the joint visit in Tokyo in the Imperial Palace of the King of Norway and the King of Arendelle with their families provoked a huge interest for the visiting families in the Japanese press. It was rumored that a romantical fling happened between the Prince Fumihito and the Princess Elsa of Arendelle, because the young Princess and her sister stay longer in Japan that their parents, and the Prince was often their host during their travels.

But when visiting a remote Shinto Temple in the mountains, an old priest scream at the Princess Elsa calling her an Yuki-no-Onna, all ties were broke.

The American Press reported wrongly the ties between Prince Fumihito and Princess Elsa as the question "The Royal Wedding of Norway and Japan ?!?", because nobody can found on a good map, the small Kingdom of Arendelle, even if it was 32 00 square miles big as South Carolina, north of Norway, Sweden, Finland and the USSR.

the politics of the Concorde et Réconciliation Nationale started by the Imperial Minister Lucien de Chaumont the 2nd December 1817, the 23rd Day of the Emperor
A collaboration of Victor Hugo and Evariste Galois over the politics of the restoration of Napoleon from St Helena. It details how Bonaparte managed to balance the factions of the Legitimists, Bonapartists, Orleanists and Republicans to maintain his imperial status. It includes the intrigues of Talleyrand to manipulate the succession, his final death. Compromises discussed included marrying a Bourbon to Louis Napoleon and Louis Phillipe to Joseph's daughter. Furthermore, an expansion of the Code Napoleon to severely restrict the monarchy and land and wealth redistribution were other elements of the compromise. A restoration of the Edict of Nantes and reconvening of all religious conventions including the Grand Sanhedrin. This last produces a strong Reform movement in Judaism that is fiercely loyal to the Empire.

The curious incident of the Rabbit and the Deans Daughter.
The curious incident of the Rabbit and the Deans Daughter.
An 1432 Incident in which the dean of the university of Oxford, Joseph Daniels, assumed his daughter had been kidnapped and/or killed and took 10 people to the police station in an attempt to get them to confess to the crime. In truth, Lana had run off chasing a rabbit into the forests of Virginia, and emerged to a massive citywide search for her. Joseph apologized to the 10 "suspects", and reprimanded his daughter.
"The Post-Terra Martian dark age"
The Post-Terra Martian dark age

The Post- Terra Martian dark age

The Nukes Finaly fell, After Centuries of Peace and Prosperity throught the Sol System , on January 17th 2576 A.D, The long dreaded scenario of a Nuclear war was real as the Terran Federation Collapsed into Civil war, Mars was particularly badly hit as large sections of the Mars Transformer engines were destroyed leaving Mars in a half Terraformed state.

The Martian Dark age is the time period between 001(2576)- 321(2897) when Most of Mars was engulfed in Nuclear Winter and Society all but Collapsed, Life during this period was horrible and Feudalism returned as various Rad-Beasts roamed the landscape, Mars only left this dark age when Selanar republic forces finally repaired the Transformer engines and The Shroud of Nuclear Winter Finaly ended,Even to this very day, The Darkness of the Dark age is well Remembered.

First Franco- Italian War
The Post- Terra Martian dark age

The Nukes Finaly fell, After Centuries of Peace and Prosperity throught the Sol System , on January 17th 2576 A.D, The long dreaded scenario of a Nuclear war was real as the Terran Federation Collapsed into Civil war, Mars was particularly badly hit as large sections of the Mars Transformer engines were destroyed leaving Mars in a half Terraformed state.

The Martian Dark age is the time period between 001(2576)- 321(2897) when Most of Mars was engulfed in Nuclear Winter and Society all but Collapsed, Life during this period was horrible and Feudalism returned as various Rad-Beasts roamed the landscape, Mars only left this dark age when Selanar republic forces finally repaired the Transformer engines and The Shroud of Nuclear Winter Finaly ended,Even to this very day, The Darkness of the Dark age is well Remembered.

First Franco- Italian War
The misleading name given to the the first Italian-Spanish War in 1942, Referring not to a war with the nation once known as france (now called Nova Gaulia), but the first war between Italy and Franco's Spain, (similar to how the French and Indian war wasn't fought between the french and the indians)

Earhart vs Lindbergh: The Aviator Electoral race
The Hypothetical 1940 American Presidential Campaign Scenario when Charles Lindbergh and Amelia Earhart ran for the Republican and Democratic Presidential nomination respectively, the race eventually being won by Democrat Al Smith who beat Republican Wendell Wilkie.

Ergot and Christianity
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Ergot and Christianity, A Book written by Jeromy Hitler in 1954, concerning the History of Ergot in Christian Europe

The Triumvirate ratifies the Dhaka Accords, Officialy forming the Pan Asian Union.
A description of the 1934 union of the Indian Socialist Federation, the United Equalist states of China and the Insular union of Filipino Communes, called the Pan Asian Union. The 3 Socialist states formed the Union to keep away Imperialism and to foment World Revolution in asia, with the goal of uniting all lands east of the Indus river and Tibeto-Uighur Plateaus as one big Socialist Superstate. After overthrowing the Japanese Shogunate and Annexing Korea into the Union, the PAU made the mistake of Declaring war on the Russian Empire, causing a great war against the Imperial forces which strained the 4 member states to the point that they collapsed, with The Philippines being the only survivors, who sued for peace, the only terms being that Their Government remain intact. The war resulted in the breakup of india (thus the term "Indiafication", a uchronia term meaning to break something up), China collapsing into a warlord era lasting unto the present, The formation of 3 distinct Japanese states, The isle of Leyte being ceded to The British and The Korean revolution.

Socialism with Korean Characteristics
Socialism with Korean Characteristics
Socialism with Korean Characteristics is a set of political theories and polices of the Korean People's party that are widely attributed to be the reason for the Massive Economic growth Seen in Korea since.

The Sack and Destruction of Washington D.C by the Mexican Cartelist Republic
The Sack and Destruction of Washington D.C by the Mexican Cartelist Republic
Nuclear war in the late 20th century devastated the world, obviously, but Mexico came off a little better in terms of damage to infrastructure and population centers. Socially, however, it headed towards a collapse. An inept government failed to feed the people and provide security along the border, which only strengthened the Cartels. The cartels, flush with manpower, cash, and a mad ambition, partnered with rogue elements in the military that feared a leftist rebellion to enact a rebellion that ended with the establishment of the Cartelist Republic. The Cartelist Republic was corporatist, with corporations and cartels having official say in the policy of government.

The United States had survived the nuclear war, and Washington DC was technically still standing thanks to a robust missile defense system (though many areas on the outskirts were still devastated). The decision to back the legitimate government of Mexico and send troops south of the border was a colossal mistake by the government. Bubbling rebellion exploded across the country as people protested this course of action, and the US collapsed entirely as a force comprised of Southern aligned military elements, backed by Mexico as it happened, advanced on DC.

Mexico's involvement in the so-called "Sack of Washington" is commonly overstated, limited to an admittedly well-equipped and mechanized brigade. but the insistence of the Mexican general in receiving an unconditional surrender by what remained of the United States government left a lasting image and impression on the psyche of the successors of the formerly United States of America.

The Great Cowboy Rebellion
The Great Cowboy Rebellion

The South-western revolt of 1871 , Sometimes called the Great Cowboy Rebellion was a large scale revolt in Northern Mexico and The South West Confederate States was funded by the US, It was just the first war of a period of wars that resulted in the Reunification of America and establishment of the First American Empire

Sardinian invasion of Catalonia and subsequent Collapse of Castile
Sardinian invasion of Catalonia and subsequent Collapse of Castile
Struggling to deal with the political and social instability, King Amadeo I of Spain was slowly regretting his decision to take the Spanish throne. However, everything changed on 18 August 1872, when he was nearly killed by assassins.

Narrowly escaping death, along with the accumulation of stress from his duties, he was hungry for vengeance.

Seeing the Spanish army as unreliable, he requested an expeditionary army (mostly composed of Piedmontese & Sardinian troops) from his homeland to deal with the rebels once and for all. A surprise landing at Catalonia caught the Carlists by surprise and was subsequently forced to retreat to the countryside, beginning the Third Carlist War, which ultimately set the chain of events that will leave Spain fractured (or in other historical interpretations, the end of Castile's dominance in national affairs) in the coming decades.

The Pasta Wars
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Struggling to deal with the political and social instability, King Amadeo I of Spain was slowly regretting his decision to take the Spanish throne. However, everything changed on 18 August 1872, when he was nearly killed by assassins.

Narrowly escaping death, along with the accumulation of stress from his duties, he was hungry for vengeance.

Seeing the Spanish army as unreliable, he requested an expeditionary army (mostly composed of Piedmontese & Sardinian troops) from his homeland to deal with the rebels once and for all. A surprise landing at Catalonia caught the Carlists by surprise and was subsequently forced to retreat to the countryside, beginning the Third Carlist War, which ultimately set the chain of events that will leave Spain fractured (or in other historical interpretations, the end of Castile's dominance in national affairs) in the coming decades.

The Pasta Wars
The Pasta Wars

An Economic War between Italy and the Austria in the 2000es. In the beginning of the 2000es the right winged FPÖ won the elections in Austria and began to morph the Austrian Democracy into an authoritarian illiberal Republic. The foreign policy of Austria towards Italy became more and more aggressive and revanchist. The Austrian government openly propagated Tyrolean seperatism and a reunification with the lost K.u.K areas. The confrontation between Italy and Austria lead first to a extreme taxation, in a further escalation to a total ban of Italian imports and products in Austria. Additionally a complete abortion of diplomatic contacts had been the consequence after Italy stimulated further EU sanctions against Austria. This period had been referred to as ,Pasta Wars' by the press.

The rise of the American ,Napoleon' and the proclamation of the First Empire.
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"The Rise of the American Napoleon and the proclamation of the First Empire" refers to Norton I's 1867 coup d'etat and foundation of the First American Empire. Norton invaded Mexico, annexing Baja California, Yucatán and Chihuahua, and then annexed Santo Domingo. In 1871, Norton intervened in the Ten Years' War, transforming Cuba into an American protectorate. After Norton's death in 1880, the United States were restored.

The "Brazilian Civil War"
The "Brazilian Civil War"
The "Brazilian Civil War" in most recent terms refers to the infamous fist fight that took place at the 2014 World Cup. Brazil had struggled mightily to reach the finals, defeating Germany in a close game in the semi-finals, only to be destroyed by Argentina in a 5-0 shut out, with all 5 goals being scored in the first half. Tensions boiled over, and a player attempted to assault the goal keeper during half-time, resulting in an extended-half time as security and management separated the problem players and the game resumed. Despite the brawl, Brazil allowed no more goals in the second half (though the Argentinians were notably playing more defensively in the second half).

Tabloids across the world talked of the "Brazilian Civil War," and the fight has become the stuff of football legend, mythologized and conspiracized to no end.

The Establishment of New Afrika
The Establishment of New Afrika
After the Great Catastrophe (A nickname for the double-whammy of a Meteor impact and Yellowstone erupting) caused the Old United States to come crashing down, Many states rose from the ashes, especially in the south. Amongst these were the states of Rastania and Azania. In 2063, the two states united as New Afrika, based on Black Nationalism, and immediately found itself in conflict with the remnants of the State Governments of Alabama, South Carolina and Mississippi, White/Confederate Nationalist states, Amerindian Tribes and More Libertine Majority white or Majority Afroamerican states. These Rivalries slowly chipped away at all involved, weakening them to the point that An invading army of Afrikaners, Rhodeys and other African White Nationalist militias kicked from the Continent, were able to seize a large Chunk of the south, with the help of existing White Supremacist states, who pleaded fealty. The remnants of NA would later end up joining in with The United Republic of the South, a state which formed to specifically combat New Rhodesia. Overall, New Afrika, alongside the Holy White State of Charlottesville, are blamed by modern Southron, Carolinian and other scholars for the reason why the South wasn't able to repell the Apartheid Onslaught.

The Bedloe Island Incident, sometimes called the Geuiteau insurrection, and usually called the Second Revolution by Radical forces.
The Bedloe Island Incident, sometimes called the Geuiteau insurrection, and usually called the Second Revolution by Radical forces.
President Guiteau, elected in 1876 despite massive public outcry regarding electoral fraud, proved to be immensly unpopular throught his entire term. Eventualy, while on the 1880 campaign trail on Bedloe Island (nowdays Biden Island) in New York he was assasinated by a group of self-proclaimed insurgents led by one Chester Arthur. He died on the spot, and the news of his demise outraged his followers. Vice President Newton Booth was unable to quell the unrest, and was eventualy overthrown by a teeth-clenched coalition of Chesterite Insurgents and Opposition Forces in Congress. With this proving to be the straw that broke the cammels' back, the Guiteau Insurgency had begun.

Within hours the rebels took control of several Major cities, including but not limited to Chicago, Miami and Los Angeles. However, they lacked a clear command structure, and by the morning of the next day most of theese had been retaken. However, they continued to hold Bedloe Island until the 3rd of January, using it to bomb several districts of New York City, undermining the Provisional Government's legitimacy. Newly elected President Henry Adams Thompson soon upset the people with his proposals for radical reform, and the cycle began anew....

Next : The Eleventh World War