french republic

  1. Basileus_Komnenos

    AHC: Interwar/Post-World War 2 French Monarchical Restoration

    With a pod set after November 1918, when the first world war ended, devise a scenario in which the French monarchy is restored after WW2 or perhaps even before the war starts. After the Franco-Prussian War, France elected a majority of monarchists, mostly legitimists and Orleanists into the...
  2. Have Revolutionary France be remembered like the USSR

    This is an idea that's been floating in my head for a while. I know that they're not the same, but there were some similarities between the two, and I've seen people draw parallels between them (the terrors, degenerating into dictatorship, etc), and I was thinking of what might be necessary to...
  3. Sargon

    Napoléon III doesn’t get into power

    The premise of this is that Louis Napoléon doesn't get into any position of power. Maybe he has an accident or never gets out of Ham. Whatever the reason, what sort of affects could this have on France and the wider world? Paris may well be different without his sponsorship of Haussmann and the...
  4. France doesn't declare war on Austria in 1792, does Europe still go to war?

    Admittedly, I don't know that much about this period, but as I understand it, the War of the First Coalition broke out because the Legislative Assembly, fearing invasion from Prussia and Austria after the declaration of Pillnitz, voted to preemptively declare war, even though, as I understand...
  5. SunZi

    AHC: Have the July Revolution Result in a Second French Republic (2.0)

    It is a pity that this post has not received any response as the questions asked are interesting. So I allow myself to revive this thread, hoping that it will be seen by others. At the moment I'm thinking about how Louis Philippe d'Orléans could have kept Henry V on the French throne, but...
  6. Friedrich der Große

    France if Germany wins WW1

    If Germany wins WW1 by a successfull Schlieffen Plan (so a faster war), what will happen to France? How will the political system develop? Is there a continue of the Republic, a large red revolution (Paris Commune XL) or maybe some far-right regime change by for example the Action Française...
  7. 継続戦争 (The Continuation War)

    "They say the sun never sets on the British Empire. They will soon learn a lesson that Icarus knows all too well." -Tomoyuki Yamashita Buildup Following their successes in China, the IJA decided to temporarily rest and upsize their military rather than continue a rapid expansion. Military...
  8. Charles Dumouriez, hero of the French Revolution?

    Charles François Dumouriez was one of the generals who, together with François Kellermann, led the French army to victory at the Battle of Valmy, which stopped the Prussian invasion of France and gave a much needed morale boost for the revolutionary cause. He then invaded and occupied the...
  9. Cymry-Korean

    French Demographics without a Violent French Revolution?

    How would France develop demographically if the more violent aspects of the French Revolution and the warfare that followed were avoided? Would this lead to a France that's demographically stronger in comparison to Britain, Germany, and Austria-Hungary? Would avoiding the revolutionary wars...
  10. More diversity in titles for republican heads of state?

    Republics throughout history have featured heads of states with various titles, but starting from the United States, "president" gradually became the norm. I would argue though that this fairly universal trend really only starts with the French second republic, as theirs was not a presidential...
  11. Whiteshore

    Impact of Napoleon dying in Egypt

    In a scenario where Napoleon dies during his failed Egyptian campaign (let's say he dies from a stray bullet or something along those lines), what would the impact be on France and the French Revolutionary Wars? How does France develop without Napoleon's coup? Does the Directory limp on? Or...
  12. Basileus_Komnenos

    AHC: Have the July Revolution Result in a Second French Republic

    What would it take for the July Revolution in Franch which in otl saw the Semi-Constitutional Bourbon Monarchy replaced with the Liberal Orleans Monarchy, to result in a Second Republic being proclaimed? I think in otl Louis-Philippe almost didn't take the Crown as he was named as regent by...
  13. Adrien_skywalker

    A Lucky Assassination: A Different Somme Offensive

    This will be the last thread that I create currently with my ongoing story-line's. This is something that I have been laying a lot of groundwork for. Basically, most of what I have read indicates that Field Marshal Douglas Haig handled the Somme offensive very badly, to put it in the least...
  14. ETGalaxy

    The Miracle of the Marne: An Entente Victory Scenario

    Hey everyone! One part of history that has always really interested me is the Great War. I've toyed around with Entente victory scenarios in the past, however, as they started to become really popular on this website, I was discouraged from starting yet another timeline where the Entente wins...
  15. Most particularist leaders ever? Who were the Talleyrands of the world?

    Who was the most particularist political leader ever? By particularist, I mean "exclusive or special devotion to a particular interest". An example: It could be argued that the diplomat Talleyrand successively betrayed the Ancien Régime, the French Revolution, Napoleon, and the Restoration...
  16. What if the US joined the war in 1940 (before France fell)?

    What if Hitler did some really dumb thing like trying to turn Mexico against the US and the US found out? Would it be a repeat of WWI or would the situation be practically the same as OTL WWII?