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  1. DrakeRlugia

    PC: July 1830 POD

    Well, it is worth remembering that the compromise flag was designed in his youth. Unsure when he did it exactly (I want to say 1820s/1830s?) but it’s hard to say how Chambord’s psyche / psychology was affected by his long exile abroad and how that might have embittered him—especially the years...
  2. DrakeRlugia

    PC: July 1830 POD

    The standard was not used beyond its use a royal standard akin to the UK royal standard. The white flag was already being used somewhat unofficially as a flag of surrender prior to the Geneva Convention, yet plenty of nations had white flags. Charles III adopted a different Spanish flag because...
  3. DrakeRlugia

    PC: July 1830 POD

    The Bourbons used the plain white flag during the restoration. It wasn't complicated or cumbersome—nor exactly unpopular in the period of 1815-1830. If the Restoration holds beyond 1830, it will only cement the Bourbon flag. I cannot see any of the main line Bourbons advocating for any return of...
  4. DrakeRlugia

    PC: July 1830 POD

    Not necessarily. Guernon who proposed the expansion of the suffrage was a member of the old nobility. Winning over the urban poor in Paris may be a bit more difficult—they aren’t going to become out and out royalists overnight—but the rural majority would likely be much easier. If it is a choice...
  5. DrakeRlugia

    PC: July 1830 POD

    A lot of people like to paint the Bourbons upon their return / restoration as dusty, out of touch reactionaries who cavorted with the nobility of the ancien régime—dreaming of the day that they could dispense with the Charte and return to reigning as kings had before 1789, but that simply isn't...
  6. DrakeRlugia

    PC: July 1830 POD

    Exactly. It would be a useful cudgel for Charles X to use against the bourgeoisie—if he’s successful, Charles X may be able to transform the French lower classes into something akin the Neapolitan Lazzaroni who were intensely conservative / monarchist, using them as a vehicle to increase royal...
  7. DrakeRlugia

    PC: July 1830 POD

    I think it would depend on how he goes about it—after all, it was only about a decade and a half after 1830 that Louis Blanc coined the term the "right to work" and the provisional republic brought about the national workshops... disastrous as they were. Given the mythos that the Bourbon...
  8. DrakeRlugia

    PC: July 1830 POD

    Correct—expanding the franchise isn't necessarily going to get a whole new bulwark for Charles X's reign, but it is worth getting considering. It's hard to say how much of the lower classes supported what would later become the Legitimist movement: plenty of peasants had complex relationships...
  9. DrakeRlugia

    Portugal WI: the Vilafrancada succeeds?

    A lot of their issues came about due to the troubles surrounding the drafting of the 1823 constitution, and what role Pedro would play as sovereign. At one point Pedro was to have a concrete role, but later there were attempts to make Pedro's role purely symbolic and to deprive him of any say or...
  10. DrakeRlugia

    Anno Obumbratio: A 16th Century Alternate History

    Exactly. And with the major powers (England, France, the HRE) being Catholic sovereigns.... it could be quite interesting. I know that France IOTL essentially didn't give a fig about the Treaty of Torsedillas; François I declared: "The sun shines for me as it does for others. I would very much...
  11. DrakeRlugia

    possibility and impact of France intervening in the second Schleswig war?

    I definitely think that if there's Anglo-French coordination might cause both the Prussians and Austrians to take pause: it's one thing to push forward when everyone else is meekly protesting... much different when the RN gets sent to Copenhagen and the Jutland coast—especially if the British...
  12. DrakeRlugia

    Anno Obumbratio: A 16th Century Alternate History

    Thank you so much, holycookie! I was amazed coming on yesterday and seeing about forty notifications from you. 😅 But I'm glad you were able to read through it! Austria hasn't been abandoned perse—but it is definitely the "border" territory of the Habsburg dominions, especially following Charles...
  13. DrakeRlugia

    possibility and impact of France intervening in the second Schleswig war?

    Russia's view in the first war had been broadly pro-Danish. It was the threat of Russian intervention that had helped shift the first war into a peace settlement. This shifted after the Crimean War and Alexander II became emperor, as Russia became one of the more revisionist European powers...
  14. DrakeRlugia

    AHC: Avoid Danish Invasion of England (1013)

    I'd say a POD stretching back into the 970s likely gives you a lot of leeway in fixing things (especially if England's succession can be/is altered by butterflies) but as Wyrd pointed out, you can probably also equally fix the issue through changes during the reign of Æthelred the Unready...
  15. DrakeRlugia

    possibility and impact of France intervening in the second Schleswig war?

    Britain supported the French and Russian view. The main issue was that France and Britain's relationship was suffering at this time, primarily over the question of Poland and because of Napoleon's reckless adventure in Mexico where he had installed Maximilian as emperor. Because of these...
  16. DrakeRlugia

    Fate of Brazil and the World with a French-Portuguese Union

    Indeed, you also have the revival of the Anglo-Portuguese alliance of the period. Charles II of England was pretty pro-French; he took subsidies from Louis XIV and even promised to convert to Catholicism publicly. He essentially took the money and ran, but Charles II was aligned with France in...
  17. DrakeRlugia

    Fate of Brazil and the World with a French-Portuguese Union

    Well, Spain would still have rights: Philip II's mother was Isabella of Portugal. Even if Henri II marries Maria Manuela, you run into the situation where Spain will likely still try to impose their will. Could be a very interesting situation, especially if the dynastic crisis breaks out in the...
  18. DrakeRlugia

    Fate of Brazil and the World with a French-Portuguese Union

    France's succession law followed Salic Law, so French princesses were not dynasts with succession rights. Even in the chaotic 16th century when the House of Valois went extinct, the Protestant Henri IV still succeeded Henri III and was eventually accepted as king. The alternative was the Infanta...
  19. DrakeRlugia

    Fate of Brazil and the World with a French-Portuguese Union

    Can't say much on how things might develop, but if we're talking about how such a scenario might develop... There is always Isabel Luisa, the Princess of Beira—known as the Sempre-Noiva because she was always engaged but never got married. She was Peter II's only daughter by his French wife...
  20. DrakeRlugia

    WI: Pedro I of Brazil accepts the Constitution of 1823?

    Among the liberals, there were two distinct sects: the Bonifacios were those mostly closely connected to the Andrada cabinet. They desired a strong and centralized monarchy as they believed any sort of federalist / autonomist political structure might lead to Brazil's fragmentation. Andrada in...