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  1. Republican Spain in WW2 and the Cold War

    Well, for starters, it makes Germans even more busy in the west, and reduces or delays their readiness for invading Soviet Union
  2. Into the Fire - the "Minor" nations of WW2 strike back

    Since Hitler thinks Fall Blau has a guaranteed success (and would cause Soviet total defeat by lack of oil), he might take the gamble of letting the WAllies advance in Greece and Italy without redirecting divisions westwards After all, if Soviets collapse, then he can focus his entire army into...
  3. Republican Spain in WW2 and the Cold War

    Agreed with the above post German occupation of the Pyrenees (and likely the whole south-western France) reduces the Free Zone, and would likely make Vichy's legitimacy shakier (or outright destroy it). At the same time, the British (and Free French) will likely land in Morocco to prevent an...
  4. AHC: optimize Soviet performance in WW2

    Also, note that I'm NOT saying the British would actually win in the Middle East / India fronts against the Soviets. Or against Germans wherever they fight (possibly Italy). What I'm saying is that (if they manage to get Indian cooperation and US material support early enough, which is possible...
  5. AHC: optimize Soviet performance in WW2

    Well, that was true IOTL. But would it still be true in this ATL ? For starters, Britain will get much more desperate, facing both Germany and Soviet Union together, and really need as much troops as possible, and ready to make unprecedented concessions to get it. Of course, London wouldn't want...
  6. AHC: optimize Soviet performance in WW2

    The permanent state of war wouldn't be a problem right now, as war against Britain (and possibly Free France and/or Italy) will provide it. The final grand race war would probably be planned for "later" indefinitely, until it's quietly shelved.
  7. AHC: optimize Soviet performance in WW2

    I wasn't primarily thinking about Iranian or Turkish armies, but about Commonwealth armies (with mass recruitement in India, which would work quite well as even Indian nationalists would be nervous about Soviets invading the neighbouring country...) deployed alongside them. And later, as months...
  8. AHC: optimize Soviet performance in WW2

    The alliance might hold for a while if Italy joined the WAllies out of anticommunism (plus generous compensations offered by the panicked UK and France, who feared Italy joining the Hitler-Stalin Axis) After the Fall of France, German conquest appetites would turn against Italy. While weaker on...
  9. Into the Fire - the "Minor" nations of WW2 strike back

    If the Japanese start using chemical weapons, it likely won't affect the war with Germany, as Germans have little reason to follow suit (a chemical war would indeed destroy their logistics). Soviets and WAllies wouldn't want to start a chemical war either, as many major cities (including Moscow...
  10. AHC: optimize Soviet performance in WW2

    Avoid the German-Soviet trade of 1939-41, or at least stop it after the Fall of France (when it's clear that the war in the west won't be a repeat of WWI Western Front) Germany won't have the means to mount an invasion of the USSR while suffering from a crippling shortage of oil, food and...
  11. Into the Fire - the "Minor" nations of WW2 strike back

    I wonder how much the Japanese expanded into Pacific ? IOTL, they took Guam, Wake, the Solomons, the Carolines, the Palaus, the Marshalls, the Gilberts... and of course reached the Aleutians and Midway. ITTL, I would expect their area of control in the ocean to be much smaller. In Europe, will...
  12. Could nuclear weapons have gotten Germany to surrender in 45-47 without a Western Allies invasion of Germany?

    Well, it would be typical Nazi policy But surely the Allies would have destroyed (through tactical nukes or conventional bombing) the main roads and railways between Germany and occupied territories, as well as the oil field (in Ploiesti), refineries and artificial oil plants Germany won't be...
  13. Into the Fire - the "Minor" nations of WW2 strike back

    And meanwhile, the WAllies are massing up in Greece mostly undisturbed...
  14. Into the Fire - the "Minor" nations of WW2 strike back

    Well, the death of the RM should be soon, as the last Med chapter hinted at an invasion of Italy (or at least Sicily) that would bring Fascism down...
  15. What if Japan declared war on the Soviet Union after Pearl Harbor?

    Because of this reason, ironically it would harm the Anglo-Americans more than help them Main LL route being cut, plus Soviets having to fight on two fronts = Soviet Union being unable to carry the 42-44 offensives (or worse, losing) = Anglo Americans facing the full might of Germany during...
  16. L’Aigle Triomphant: A Napoleonic Victory TL

    Play the Great Powers against each other to get his share of the pie Probably independence of Egypt (France and Britain both won't want the other to have Egypt in their sphere), possibly Palestine / Jordan, Hejaz and Cyrenaica as a bonus. If he's really lucky, Syria and Lebanon too (doubtful...
  17. The Iron Eagle II - Days of Strife

    French and other satellite governments would promote it this way Whether the population would accept it, though... Even the brainwashed pro-Nazi collaborators accept German domination because they, personally, aren't treated like Slavic slaves...
  18. The Iron Eagle II - Days of Strife

    Service du Travail Obligatoire might do a comeback Of course, it would have its own consequences on the economy of satellite states (which would affect Germany too)... and on the loyalty and compliance of satellite states' populations
  19. L’Aigle Triomphant: A Napoleonic Victory TL

    Well, IRL they might be forced to accept it, as without European support the Ottomans will win. Plus even if a Republican Greece arose, it would be hated by both Europe and Ottomans, wouldn't survive long. And the Greek Republicans know it, so many of them will prefer having a Greece at all...
  20. The Iron Eagle II - Days of Strife

    It kind of does mean that actually. Especially for vassals that are economically important AND directly border Germany proper (such as France). If Free France retakes, or is about to retake metropolitan France, there's an extremely high chance that nukes will fly. Nazi Germany just cannot...